Going To Uni

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Post by Venus »

For any of you that remember Spawn of Venus, my oldest son, he got his exam results yesterday this has confirmed he is now off to Swansea Uni. :2t:

I am very proud and very excited, at last I can have a spare room and the list of uses for it is endless lol.

He however he is not anything, he opened his results looked at them and said "well thats it I'm off next month".
That has been the sum of his reaction, he shut himself in his room only appearing to eat he even refused to have a drink or 2 too celebrate. I was expecting him to be happy but he seems freaked out by it. Anyone else ever come across this or had it happen to them when they got thier results?

I am at a loss wot to say to him :(
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Post by Turts »

Congrats to the SoV :) Maybe in a few days when it's sunk in Venus... then you may see something like the reaction you were maybe anticipating.
I hope all goes well... what is the fella looking at doing at Uni ?
...and wheres the old man ? haven't seen him in ages ..

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Post by Clingy »

Not yet had it to that extreme but we get that all along. My view is that the more I am pleased for them or the more I crow about how well they are doing the less they show. I recon if you were indifferent to it all he'd be jumping up and down and making a big fuss. Kids are just contrary with parents. I'll find out on Thursday when my daughters results are out and the following Thursday with my sons.

One thing is for sure, I am more worried and nervous about the results than they are!
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Post by Legthigh »

Congrats to your son Venus, as Clingy said the more you go on how well they are doing the less reaction you will get sometimes.

Remember he has to maintain his cool teenager image! :)

And don't be nervous Clingy, They will have done the best they can, and thats all you can ask bud ;)
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Post by 0lderama »

It was the same with my brother dont worry about it

just worry when u head up to his digs in swansea and find out hes been blowing his grant on booze and living on rice

hmmmm the young ones springs to mind:)
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Post by andrew »

Very well done to him :)

What Clingy says is very true, my parents get excited over any success eg. passing driving test or good results at college. I just think no big deal tbh, unless i've worked really hard at something like a project or difficult subjects (maths just lately :P )

I've never understood been excited or beating yourself up over results for any kind of test or exam. Its all done and dusted the second you finish the assessment therefore just forget about it till you have the results in your hand, and then you can laugh/cry/fall to pieces/kiss the old lady next door . Worked for me, and I have continual assessments at work, I just think of it all as hoops I have to jump through to get to the end, simple :D

/I'll stop rambling now :P

Oh and best of luck to anyone waiting on their results :)
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Post by Venus »

I'm sure they will make you proud Clingy.

Thnx guys it was just a bit strange when I got my recent promotion it was him that went out and bought the bubbly to celebrate with me just seemed odd when it was him with something to celebrate.

As for the digs full of vodka and living on rice....thats wot my visits are for to clean up the mess and restock the cupboards lol. I don't expect him to be any different than any normal student :2t:
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